Effortless Access for Military
Now, accessing Firefly Recovery is more convenient than ever for our military members, thanks to our presence on GSA Advantage!®.
We also accept p-cards for Military purchases, please contact orders@recoveryfirefly.com to purchase Firefly with a p-card.
I am in Ranger Regiment Training with my partner Jimmy for the Best Ranger Competition. I have used firefly recovery before when i was at the Olympic Training Center and have found them to be extremely helpful. As training ramps up we are looking for anything and everything to give us an advantage.

“I have been using Firefly consistently for the past 5 years with game-changing results. Last year alone, the devices allowed me to race three consecutive ultra distances and win a hybrid racing world championship less than a week after running 105 miles at the World’s Toughest Mudder. I’m convinced the Firefly is critical to my body’s resiliency and longevity.”